5 Questions to Ask Your Eye Doctor When You’re Considering LASIK Surgery


If you are tired of wearing glasses or contact lenses, you may be ready to consider having LASIK surgery to correct your vision. This outpatient surgical procedure uses laser techniques to reshape a person’s cornea. Common eye conditions like nearsightedness and farsightedness have been successfully treated for many patients.

Results are often noticeable within a day or two, and the healing or recovery process is typically rapid. Here are some questions to ask when considering this procedure.

LASIK Surgery


Ask your eye doctor about the safety of the specific procedure that has been recommended to you. There are different types of laser eye surgery techniques, and you need to know about possible complications that could affect your vision short-term or long-term. While the procedure is generally safe, it is wise to make sure nothing in your medical history will cause issues.

Your medical history will be taken by your doctor to ensure that you are a good candidate for laser eye surgery. Let the doctor know about any medical problems you have or medications you are taking, because that information will help the doctor determine the overall safety of the surgery for you. Taking your medical history into account, they may recommend a different laser eye surgery procedure for you.


Not all patients can expect to obtain twenty-twenty vision following the procedure. The doctor can explain what your results will likely be. Some patients improve to a certain level for a time, and eventually their vision improves even further.

Explain the type of the work you do, your responsibilities and hobbies, and other ways in which your vision is used so that the doctor can evaluate the effectiveness of the surgery for your lifestyle.

Side Effects

You will want to find out about possible side effects from the surgery and during the healing process. Most of these are relatively mild and temporary. For example, your eyes may feel irritated or itchy following the procedure. You might have blurry vision at first. Light halos and possible night vision difficulties may occur.

Make sure you understand the changes that might result from the surgery before making your decision. If you do go through with the surgery, knowing the possible side effects, temporary and otherwise, will mean that you’ll be better able to tell if something is wrong. You’ll also be less likely to worry over a common temporary side effect.

Risk Factors

Although the risks for laser eye surgery are relatively minimal for many people, it is important for you to be aware of potentially negative outcomes. Cornea scarring has occurred in some patients, along with minimal vision improvement or new vision problems. Pain, blurriness, light sensitivity, or the need for supplemental eyeglasses may also occur. Find out if you are more at risk for some outcomes than others.


The fees for this procedure have dropped considerably since the surgery was first performed. You may be able to set up a payment plan with the doctor’s office or charge the fee to a credit card. Ask about financing options to be prepared.

LASIK surgery has been successfully performed on countless patients. Despite it being a relatively new procedure, it’s become a common treatment for vision problems. Every year, more and more people use it to get rid of glasses and contacts for good, and you could do the same.

If corrective glasses or contacts are becoming a hassle, talk seriously with your doctor about whether LASIK could help you. Answering the questions in this article can help you decide if the procedure is right for you.